25 February 2013

To Sleep Perchance to Dream.

Personal Log: Kitsune Yamashita

[Feb 13, 2386 12:47] (Sec Lev 12)

Loc: Victory In orbit Hectora 1 (Rhynoa)

Estimated Safe Launch Window Time: T-298 hr

There is no rest for heroes. I look around me and see those I have lived and survived with through this non-stop torrent of events we have been forced to merey react to. For better or worse we are family. If there is a solution to the puzzle we are trapped in, I trust someone will connect the dots.

One thing bound us together on this mission. If we fall nobody will even remember us. We are all flawed; but we were hand picked for what seemed to be a one way mission. Nobody will remember or mourn us if we fall in defeat.That we have got as far as we have speaks to the strength of humanity within us all in the face of extinction. I reject the idea that the invasion has nullified any loyalty of The Terran Alliance. While we all live and breathe we are Terrans and We will not go quietly into the night! To say otherwise smacks of treason.and defeatism.

We have traveled to the ass end of nowhere on a one way fool's error. In spite of this we have found a way to become a force for unification of species into something more that our separate parts. We have ripped the mask off of Phaerian professed friendship to reveal the treachery that lies at their heart.

I've sent formal requests for updating feeds and answering questions from local governments to aid in handling military and first responders . It should also help in the search for missing crew-mates who can be either evacuated or redeployed.. Sent interchange with J454. Compete sanitation of any areas entered by diplomatic delegations. Sent for data on using replicated chemicals for that aug it's lovely.

Contact Paetra via bond on object of interest. Inform her she is needed to contact the base for analysis of artifacts and safe handling procedures. Distribution: all files to science team, command crew/Dept Heads: (need to know only) NB distribution Clearance evaluation pending..

I will be glad when I have a leash on Atoom so I can just say "Nice doggy". I keep trying to explain the facts of life. It is better to play the rooster than become a capon. I think it is time to whisper an alphanumeric series we found on both the Enciviar and Atoom's PALM-20 (Yes Peter you get a ring side seat. I would love to see the deep look at that moment of revelation.

I long for that time when I can be conscious but lucidly dreaming. Whether it is latent ESP or a side effect of my wet-ware does not matter. in some cases thoughts are more powerful than the flesh.

Diamonds are forever, but topaz will do.

Time to shake the trees and see what pops up. Send all: (sec-lev 18) file to who it may concern. (log all responses.)

Transmission Ends:

23 February 2013

Medical Log Feb 13, 2386

Mission Log: Medical Department, Dr. Asham Rashid, CDR, UFSC, (temp. commission)

[Feb 13, 2386 15:31] (Sec Lev 9), Loc: Echolynn Base, New Baeldra (Rhynoa), Estimated Safe Launch Window Time: T-311 hr

Medical Personnel - Asham Rashid, M.D., Chief Surgeon,

·        Peter Von Schwanz, Psy. D., CDR, UFSC

·        Gendry Hollis, M.D., M.D.E (Medical Engineer)

·        Karen Robson, M.D.

·        Michael 'Mick' Lochrist, M.D.

It has been some time since I've taken a break to catch up on notes. Much has been going on, barely leaving time for mandatory rest periods, let alone performing proper documentation. In fact, things have been so chaotic that I've had to place numerous crewmen (particularly in Security) in "not-fit-for-duty" status to ensure that they had at least a bare minimum of sleep.

Upon our arrival at Echolynn Base, we were nearly immediately in contact with hostile sentients. Between cloaked assassins and mental and physical attacks by beings later determined to be Phaeran in nature, much good data has no doubt been lost.

Still, I will here attempt to capture such information as I can best recall, for the official record.

During the attacks, and lacking any clear knowledge, the xeno-literature being particularly thin on this topic, I concocted a broad-spectrum soporific, loaded charged hypodermics with it, and found it to be quite efficacious in quickly bringing a cloaked assassin who had invaded sick bay, rapidly into a state of unconsciousness. I have labeled this blend as NK-22. During the encounter with hostile Phaeran in the landing docks, I replicated two compressed liquid cylinders filled with NK-22, connected them to the ship's ventilation system, and found the mixture to also be effective against any of these attackers who had not yet raised a personal shield. The mixture is odorless, tasteless, and largely invisible save as a white fog immediately upon its release from the canister. The fog quickly dissipates as it expands. Time of effect varies slightly between sentient species, but was observed to be typically in the 1-3 minute range, with effects lasting up to 10 hours, per dose. Since then, additional canisters and hypodermics have been prepared and distributed to the Security Department, and others as requested, while maintaining sufficient stock close to hand in sick bay.

In the aftermath of the attacks, most available beds were filled. We have treated 32 crewmen and women, and have 3, including the Captain of UFSC Thucydides, in cryo. Some of the crewmen have been released (must remember to query Dr. Lochrist as to how many).

One item of particular note, resulting from the use of NK-22 during the attack was that we were able to recover two of the Phaeran attackers and immediately place them into cryo. Having researched the available literature, it appears that this may not ever have occurred previously. This gave us the very unusual, to say the least, opportunity to analyze blood samples from the subjects. They were all found to contain seven different sub-types of nano-biological autonomous robotic entities, which will be hereafter referred to as "nano-bots" or "nanites". For lack of better terminology, we have termed them Types A-G, and have been doing our best to determine their properties. Those appear to be as follows;

A. Reacts to the Phaeran equivalent of adrenaline, and emits a standing Alpha wave. Does not appear to be affected by exposure to EMP.

B. Jomm had some information on this one, believing it to be associated with a kind of phase shift. It is affected by exposure to EMP.

C. Exposure to N-Tridial causes this one to emit both heat and light. S-Tridial similar but to less effect. It does not appear to be affected by exposure to EMP.

D. Function unknown, but upon testing my own blood to see whether I might have become accidentally contaminated, found that this one was present. Upon testing other crew, found there to be a widespread contamination with Type D. Using phages extracted from the blood of LCDR Virgil, synthesized a counter-agent capable of neutralizing Type D, and inoculated all Terrans and Rhynoans. Those recovered from Rhynoa also appear to be coming onboard already infected. Subsequent testing has proved negative, but all such persons have been placed on weekly monitoring. This type appears to be affected by EMP. One possible function of this Type might be to make the carrier both contagious and more susceptible to attack or control by a Phaeran with one or more of the other Types. Testing continues.

E. In matrix, acts as a kind of biological Beta-storage. Is affected by EMP.

F. Noted that deceased Phaeran very quickly begin to decompose, resulting in a gas and little more. Type F remains and may be the active agent promoting such rapid decomposition. This Type appears unaffected by EMP.

G. No data with the exception of the fact that it appears to be unaffected by EMP.

Have been provided information that the Jango Brothers have some information on nanites in general. Future plans include discussions with them. Also of importance is that some individuals seem to have natural immunity, including LCDR Steve Virgil, Science Officer of UFSC Thucydides. (note to self, submit commendation recommendation for LCDR Virgil whose efforts in support of the medical mission while we had mass casualties and little staff beyond myself and two Medical Assistants, were essential to the mission's survival. He also conducted much of the experimentation on the nanites.)

Attended during the recent Black-Enciviar run after first briefing Dr. Robson of my intent upon return to attempt removal from cryogenic suspension, and emergency surgical repair upon the Captain, including sub-neural patching. Karen performed wonderfully in terms of having the surgery and the Captain well prepared upon my return. Dr. Von Schwanz was able to perform some rudimentary communications with the Captain prior to his full resuscitation. Little was learned, but we seem to have his approval for this attempt. Peter has agreed to observe during surgery. I will operate with Karen's close assistance and advice. Scans indicate that we will be required to perform moderate to significant dendrite-patch and reconstruction to fill in gaps in the neural network. Peter has had some experience dealing with patients who have been through this, and his input should be invaluable, particularly in regards to post-op rehabilitation. Peter will also remain in the communication net during the surgery. Karen and I will not, to eliminate potential distractions. We have requested the presence of four armed guards dressed in power suits to protect the surgery during this effort, and Security has responded favorably.

Finally, Kit has been requesting I produce a compound capable of extending organism health through extended periods without rest. While I can certainly provide a nutrient supplement, I have misgivings about incorporating the capability of greatly extending performance and no-sleep, beyond what is done with common battle drugs. As is well known, the "crash" following the normal 120 hour maximum usage of such drugs typically requires nearly forty-eight straight hours of sleep. Kip seems to be interested in being able to use this compound indefinitely. Going beyond the usual 5 day maximum would make death a real, and likely outcome. An extended period of delusion would be a near certainty. We shall have to discuss this further as events allow.

17 February 2013

Thoughts on ETOU's Last Post.

Sit-rep: If Black-Enciviar returns on time:
Wave impact on outer system parameter
Countdown Est.: 298 Hr.

    Telescope schedule progress seems to be slightly ahead of schedule

    There's one little bit of sunshine!
  • Enciviar image/state projection usage

    Setting up CHIMERA transponders on RABOD station terminals (× 5) to define the parameter signal for a possible 'world system' jump Progress: as of last check (shortly before leaving on Tristippean mission), all in place except for one unit. Team requested to set unit up at station location rather than enter into the base and join in with the base's system, like the previous transponders were assembled. The station in question was adjacent to one of the non-working (or non-existing) stations, and is critically-located to complete the system.

    The advantage to splicing in with the RABOD is thus: The RABODs are all directly linked to the Echolynn controller; the RABOD system would tend to boost, strengthen the signal and relay, and actually being inside with the base system would provide both security and proofing against accidents, as opposed to setting the transponder up to the base 'antenna' system.

    We need to get the system online as rapidly as we can. We need as many long range eyes as we can get at the moment.We also need the time to integrate all our systems together for the jump.
  • Setting the main CHIMERA transducer unit at polar opposite from the main power output (Medaveral Sphere @ Echolynn Base) for powering a massive CHIMERA Unit placed by Victory sub-team; may need to plant at least a two-man crew to make any last-minute adjustments should the power run prove to be slightly off at time of launch.This would be a dangerous volunteer mission.

    Alternate: A psycho-kinetic attempt to shape the power parameter via mass-visualization A veerrrrrry long shot, which would entail the Iddry to link with each other, and afford the Gendoaw to provide the 'path' of the Medaveral power to be directed, as the coordinates are controlled by the Terrans (via the EHTOU-to-Chimera drive connection).

    There has been a team tasked with the installation. I woud prefer using robotics to handle this sort of mission, however I recommend asking for volunteers to handle the last minute adjustments.
  • Jump Logistics Calculated

    Has the group determined which, of the 2-4 possible target planets, they will try to jump/exchange with, should the situation go that far?

    Note: refer to the planet stat matrix sheet for specification match up to strengthen the jump formula odds.

    I've already posted the reasons I think Deshem is the best choice.I go with my previous proposal barring new evidence via ETOU or Enciviar observations.
  • Rynoan Surface Loose ends, etc. Low priority?

    Retrieve the land equipment (walkers, tank, vehicles, etc.) stored at Metchmer Depot.

    Retrieve the large ground-to-space carrier ship found by Thucydides crew in an abandoned, but sheltered compound on the surface.

    Retrieval has some merit, however we may be seeing surface action against Phaerian forces. Redeployment of them may be a point against removing surface weapons at this time.

    We may be looking at a new power force being created, We did not get a chance to see what sort of weapons they had on board the Nyad.

    The heavy carrier is a priority project. I have a crew there who have installed force field generators to protect the craft while we clear away the collapsing structure around it. If we repair the Thucydides we will most likely need to go through the Gendauw at New Bealdra to produce sections and systems in their robotic factories, Add any production we can do on Echolynn nd we can get closer to the window.

  • Suggestion: made at Summit: Does Echolynn wish to have a delegate (in other words) representative directly at the base? This may be useful for dealing with a future situation, should the jump occur

    This suggestion just posted as a bonus for those of you who are now reading it Regard or disregard the suggestion.

    I think they should be able to have a voice in the current situation. We can gain allies and increase production.
  • A Tyriceus suggestion Solicit the “Gendoaw” for any 'tips' or equipment they can provide to Ehcolynn, should Pharean troops begin popping up from the worm hole.
  • Another Tyriceus suggestion Form a plan of action to take place for when/if they return to the Quadrants

    Note: Will the base gather intel to see how far a possible invasion has sprung? How about contacting any resistance? Helping out a fellow USFC (non-Phaeran) member civ: the Utosians and Nye-Orins? Etc.

    Yes on Gendauw request, I agree on forming plans of action to cover possible situations. We have the best imaging systems available compared to the other USFC allies. I see us as becoming one of the big players in fighting back the Phaerians while keeping a coordinated front with the Utosian and Nye-Orins. I also see a case for helping the Gendauw reunification.
  • WILD CARD: interference from worm hole (Phaeran) Egress being heavily guarded by New Baeldran task squadrons

    Note: Estimation for turn-around quick visitation could occur no sooner than 4-6 days from the time the 'portal' was 'charged' by the Pharean on the surface.

    We need to get our guard up and be ready for a bumpy ride.
  • WILDCARD: Phaerans 'seeded' on Rynoa for some time, gathering info If possible, they may have some local allies ready to do their bidding should things 'change' as the situation progresses

    Could this possibly occurred without the Gendoaw knowing about it? They did seem surprised when Ardre informed them that there were dead Phaerans on board the POM-15 when the group first arrived on Echolynn. It is also how the Phaerans operate - get seeded, gather intelligence, and be patient.

    This is a problem. I have discuss surgical operations if we find Phaerian sympathizers. The implication that Rhynoa may be seeded is extremely worrisome. There are many places Pherians could have hidden around the globe.Digging them out if they have had a two hundreds year head-start could be costly.
  • Thucydides repairs Is a team currently working on assessing the damage repairs?

    Note: it may be handy to have an fully-functioning star-traversing (armed) ship in the arsenal, whether than not have one. In effect, two Terran functioning ships are better than one.

    A second combat ready star ship would be most welcome. Please see my earlier comment.
  • WILDCARD: Production

    Is a team currently working on repairing the base's functions in regard to mining operations to supply raw materials to build equipment parts, robots, etc.?

    So far, only Marcus O'Brian has confirmed the condition of the machinery down in the mines. It has not been assessed yet for working capability or status

    One of the tasks JOMM was tasked with was a survey and diagnostic of systems on board Echolynn.
  • WILDCARD: Echolynn inhabitants - intel?

    There are still a handful of humans that seem to be living in the echochamber.

    I recommend tasking a communication/negotiation team with broadcasting a message to the humans living in the echochamber. Once contact has been established We can send conference briefing and make contact.
Choices, choices, choices...tick...tick...tick...

That's my thoughts on things, If you have ideas throw us a bone.

14 February 2013

Recap of 2-7-13 with Additional

The time excursion took place last week, whereby the Harrier Unit, along with Modyah, Tyriceus, and his entourage, embarked on a time/distance mission to pose crucial questions to Sipon, the Gendoawan Leader and Chief (metaphysical?) Scientist. Sipon had travelled with the Rynoans some 200 years hence and, according to Modyah, had agreed to 'help' the Rynoans in exchange for building a ship designed to his personal specifications (the Enciviar).


Although Sipon's agreement did not stipulate accompanying the Rynoan mission, Sipon had 'signed on' because there was something he wanted to study up close in the vicinity of Tristippe, the doomed planet. Modyah expounds that the area close to Tristippe was 'thin', and evoked curios conditions, both physical-and quantum-oriented.

As was fairly accurately surmised by the Echolynn team trying to verify whathappened on the ill-fated mission, at the time of the team's arrival onTristippe, the environment was in the act of breaking down, just before theSingularity event touched off (same event as seen in the amateur video clips that turned up with the derelict Enciviar back at Echolynn in the past).

The team arrived in the Gendoawan cross-ship (the distanceship, Black, was merged with the Enciviar to form a conduit for traveling through space at a point in past time). However on the way, they encountered the hibernating ship, the Niad, which had launched at the same time as the Enciviar (and the other, unknown Rynoan ship, of which there had to have been one).

The ship arrived during a high-alert turmoil. Between the chaos that was underway, the team's worn disguises (hazmat uniforms) covered the security issue of those in the party not similarly-clad, and they were only confronted for security check at the main building, and again at the main floor.

Via Modyah's attunement to Sipon, the group hurriedly ascended a non-discreet building and located Sipon at an upper floor. Although the group was able to communicate with him without much trouble, he did not seem to give straight answers to all of their questions. As a matter of course, much of what he said was a bit open-ended, almost parable-like. It amounted to the following with room left over for interpretation:...what may be derived from the Siphon conversation...

  • Go back to the beginning.
  • Siphon hinted that there is a cyclic pattern as structure to the course of (time?...and) events. Perhaps things can be 'influenced' at the beginning stage once one gets there (?). Reset?

    Coincidentally, if the Event Horizon is expanding outward, and the Wave event is travelling in the opposite direction of the EH, then a casual glance at the situation would conclude that the Wave is contracting against the progress of the EH. But if such is the case, then it would take some 13.75+ billion years (the current predicted age of the Universe) for the Wave to 'put the Universe back into its box', back to the 'beginning'…unless perhaps, if entropy breaks it down faster than it has been building. If such is the case, then the Wave would be acting outside of, or contra- (hyper-?) quantum physics? Such might help to explain why the thing seems to currently be 'unstoppable'…maybe it has a purpose, or has purpose behind it (?).

  • But what does this have to do with the Cube (to put it bluntly: is it, in effect, as was coined by Tyriceus, “God's Remote Control”?)?. Did it really come from 'nothing', from the non-existent side of singularity? Did the Cube initiate the Wave, or vice-versa? With such hinted-at capability the status of the Cube would then climb from high tech object to 'Artifact'. What are (you) supposed to do once you get to the beginning? Change channels? Start-over? Perhaps influence things early on, like the evolution of the Phaereans, for instance? Humans? Do you (as imperfect humans) wish to wield the power of a True God? Do you dare?

In a way, this is what Tyriceus was going for when he thought (still thinks) that N-TRIDIAL can serve to 'evolve' humans enough so they can combat the Phareans on a more evenly matched scale. Judging from what the Iddry (Ardre) are capable of, yet still able to hold onto their humanity (as far as you can tell), this judgment would be valid on the grounds of species survival. But then there always seems to be that nagging side-effect to good intensions.

Anyhoo, on the way back, the Gendoawan cross-ship ( Black-Enciviar ) re-encountered the Niad in all its suspended glory. Theu must return (to beginning point at Echolyyn) within a certain time window in order to close the time-distance bubble, which allowed the group to travel to Tristippe for the mission. What the consequences are if this doesn't happen are up on the air (although Modyah will have a good idea).


There is a window of opportunity of approximately 21-25 minutes whereby they can influence the Niad , and still make it back to Echolynn on time. The Niad does contain some 500-1500 (reported) suspended subjects, most likely a trained crew of Rynoans, along with an entirely cataloged genome bank, with complete with cross-DNA coded mapping reference and micro (nano?) samples…veritably an 'Instant Earth' Kit. Many good suggestions have been discussed as to a course of action (leave a robotic crew to pilot the ship off to a different area, tow the ship, etc.).

Some additional things to consider:

  • The Niad did not leave the ship unguarded; there is a (known via Echolyyn records) defense mechanism for anyone (thing) boarding the ship. The first line of defense is a robot command unit on 'standby'; any physical access detected will trigger an investigation—but does that mean 'physical' hull breach (parameter compromise), or actual presence within the ship parameter (such as teleporting entry), or either? The second is a 'wake' function actovation for a portion of the crew (listed as a group of key members (four in all)…most likely to initiate things from a human mind stand-point, because whoever wakes up will not be in immediate condition to go into action. The third line is a complex procedure, which unit-locks everything down but leaves the access ways open. Outer portals connected to the ship are opened, and the entire causeway is 'flushed' into space. Then again, perhaps maybe the system won't even work after all these years, considering it was only supposed to be in space for approximately 4-6 years, lagging behind the vanguard group until 'called for' by them.

  • A PARADOX: If boarding the Niad triggers a 'wake-up ' call—even for one member— the Niad's they will discover that Tristippe doesn't exist anymore, and turn back to Rynoa (200 years prior). What would then happen, in effect, to the genome? The crew would most likely assimilate back to the planet's surface, or go the way of the original Echolynn inhabitants. But this would no doubt also change the events that occurred at Echolynn (ergo, maybe the base would not undergo mutiny, etc.). Would the base then still be in operation 'today'? Would the genome bank then be located on Echolyyn ?

EHTOU telescope schedule progress

Seem to be slightly ahead of schedule

Enciviar image/state projection usage

Setting up CHIMERA transponders on RABOD station terminals (x 5) to define the parameter signal for a possible 'world system' jump

Progress: as of last check (shortly before leaving on Tristippean mission), all in place except for one unit. Team requested to set unit up at station location rather than enter into the base and join in with the base's system, like the previous transponders were assembled.

The station in question was adjacent to one of the non-working (or non-existing) stations, and is critically-located to complete the system.

The advantage to splicing in with the RABOD is thus: The RABODs are all directly linked to the Echolynn controller; the RABOD system would tend to boost, strengthen the signal and relay, and actually being inside with the base system would provide both security and proofing against accidents, as opposed to setting the transponder up to the base 'antenna' system.

Setting the main CHIMERA transducer unit at polar opposite from the main power output (Medaveral Sphere @ Echolynn Base) for powering a massive CHIMERA

Unit placed by Victory sub-team; may need to plant at least a two-man crew to make any last-minute adjustments should the power run prove to be slightly off at time of launch.This would be a dangerous volunteer mission.

Alternate: A psycho-kinetic attempt to shape the power parameter via mass-visualization A veerrrrrry long shot, which would entail the Iddry to link with each other, and afford the Gendoaw to provide the 'path' of the Medaveral power to be directed, as the coordinates are controlled by the Terrans (via the EHTOU-to-Chimera drive connection).

Jump Logistics Calculated

Has the group determined which, of the 2-4 possible target planets, they will try to jump/exchange with, should the situation go that far?

Note: refer to the planet stat matrix sheet for specification match up to strengthen the jump formula odds.

Rynoan Surface Loose ends, etc.

Low priority?

Retrieve the land equipment (walkers, tank, vehicles, etc.) stored at Metchmer Depot.

Retrieve the large ground-to-space carrier ship found by Thucydides crew in an abandoned, but sheltered compound on the surface.

Suggestion: made at Summit: Does Echolynn wish to have a delegate (in other words) representative directly at the base? This may be useful for dealing with a future situation, should the jump occur

This suggestion just posted as a bonus for those of you who are now reading it

Regard or disregard the suggestion.

A Tyriceus suggestion

Solicit the “Gendoaw” for any 'tips' or equipment they can provide to Ehcolynn, should Pharean troops begin popping up from the worm hole.


Another Tyriceus suggestion

Form a plan of action to take place for when/if they return to the Quadrants

Note: Will the base gather intel to see how far a possible invasion has sprung? How about contacting any resistance? Helping out a fellow USFC (non-Phaeran) member civ: the Utosians and Nye-Orins? Etc.

WILD CARD: interference from worm hole (Phaeran)

Egress being heavily guarded by New Baeldran task squadrons

Note: Estimation for turn-around quick visitation could occur no sooner than 4-6 days from the time the 'portal' was 'charged' by the Pharean on the surface.

WILDCARD: Phaerans 'seeded' on Rynoa for some time, gathering info

If possible, they may have some local allies ready to do their bidding should things 'change' as the situation progresses

Could this possibly occurred without the Gendoaw knowing about it? They did seem surprised when Ardre informed them that there were dead Phaerans on board the POM-15 when the group first arrived on Echolynn. It is also how the Phaerans operate - get seeded, gather intelligence, and be patient.

Thucydides repairs

Is a team currently working on assessing the damage repairs?

Note: it may be handy to have an fully-functioning star-traversing (armed) ship in the arsenal, whether than not have one. In effect, two Terran functioning ships are better than one.

WILDCARD: Production

Is a team currently working on repairing the base's functions in regard to mining operations to supply raw materials to build equipment parts, robots, etc.?

So far, only Marcus O'Brian has confirmed the condition of the machinery down in the mines. It has not been assessed yet for working capability or status

WILDCARD: Echolynn inhabitants - intel?

There are still a handful of humans that seem to be living in the echochamber.


Choices, choices, choices...tick...tick...tick...

01 February 2013

Events Log (RT 1-31-13)

Here's a bonus run down of the events gleaned from the latest session passed:

Testing the Wave

The energy blast conceived and put forth by Che and Modyah from the Echolynn launch caused a (perceived) 30 second blackout all over the Rynoan system, including the asteroid belt. Although the general perception was 30 seconds, JOMM confirmed that the time lapse was actually 3 hours (but no one perceives it that way). Curiously, the target where the energy struck the oncoming wave area began to crystalize for reasons unknown, but though the blackout condition seemed to be a direct ‘bounce’ from the Wave, and it seemed to act like an EMP. It was in fact, an ECP (Electro-Chronic Pulse), which threw forth a wave of ‘time’ distortion.

Perhaps it is a coincidence, but shortly after recovery, the Cube appeared in the Enciviar. Dr. VS, Modyah, Tyriceus (and without question, his entourage, Leni Bronsen and Garden, his personal SCIPR unit (acronym, pronounced  ‘SY-pur’…Self-Contained Idiom Persona Robot). Modyah was visibly disturbed by something, and seemed to be suddenly occupied with something that had to do with his people’s missing leader, Sifon. Tyriceus picked up the Cube and began to somehow channel in perfect High Gendoawan, a message to Modyah: They were compelled to  ‘travel to the point in time  to locate a small (3.75 second) window of opportunity to a point just before the Singularity event on Tristippe’. At that time, Sifon would consult with them directly.

Modyah sent for one of his ‘special’ ships (also a Sifon creation), which traveled extremely fast, on its own, and when it arrived it shrunk from 60’ x 20’ (lozenge shape) to the size of a small bowl.  This is how the time trip can commence…

The new ship will be ‘reconstituted’ to an agreeable size within the Enciviar.  Then both ships will meld controls and form a gestalt, which will become able to transverse the distance and the time back to Tristippe to find the window of opportunity (and locate Sifon), who will consult with them about something of seemingly grave importance.

The meeting of the Hastily-Formed Rynoan Civilian Counsel On Board The U.S.S. Victory

This went off fairly smoothly, mostly due to the calming effect of the presence of Hammon, the Iddry elder.  The members, though concerned about safety measures and belief, are complacent enough to take the strong suggestions given by the committee, prompted and backed by Terran science projection reports, the seemed to be convinced that they must hunker down and prepare for an emergency most likely to bring about severe atmospheric, weather and ground conditions. They are also charged with getting the word out to their immediate outlying areas, who did not have representation at the meeting.  Kit has charged them with directing any questions to her…they were given a few items, mainly important, including a paired down version of the Squire units for direct communication linkage (and a somewhat guarded channel system). Kit has also carried on with some pre-meetings with certain personnel on board the Victory.

Marcus O’Brien’s Upgrades from the Strango Brothers (Denem and Bramen):

The main upgrade O'Brien is going to receive is per Denem Strango’s encounter with the Phaerans. Denem believes a certain roving pulse at a frequency that his own dimensions (internal chip, etc.) possessed, allowed him to break free of the constrains of the initial Phaeran attack on him and his brother back at Metchmer Depot. However, he will note that his brother did not overcome the swoon, and also that it did not save them from the initial onslaught. He reasons though, that when it was boosted by his own awareness and concentration, as was the fact when Denem encountered the Phaerans with full knowledge, the Phaeran psionics were ineffective. In addition to this, Denem added a few tweaks based on his experience, so the upgrade may (or may not) work to a better effect than expectations. Beware: this is not a neutralizer, but a defense…the Phaeran could make adjustments on their own, should they come into knowledge on how the Strango revisions are controlled by the body in which they are planted.

Here’s a list of additional upgrades the Strangos are equipping O’Brien with:

  • Auxiliary improvement on the Tyriceus (V19) chip, which is inclusive of the change Modyah made to their chips earlier.  This should give the original chip yet another boost of defense on any frontal Pharean assault, unless it’s a combined Pharean assault with several Pharean subjects concentrating an attack in unison. Bramen believes it will also lessen by around half, the prolonged effect of paralysis or system shock should he (O'Brien) succumb to an attack.
  • Auxiliary eye (removing and storing his natural one, which can be re-instated later if necessary) that can do the following: Infared, x-ray (gamma), night vision (can be momentarily blinded if in this mode, though).
  • Regeneration (additional chip augmentation) plus a nanobyte infusion, good for eight (8) years.

NOTE that any member may receive these same, and/or some additional featured 'Strango wetware' if you wish to risk the time involved in getting the upgrade and recovering.  The Strangos can do no more than two subjects at roughly the same time, as they assist each other.  The risk is a roll for system shock, and a period of no less than 12 hours, more for additional or difficult implementations. 

...so if you made it this far to view the page, enjoy the additional review, and information.